I have been absent from my blog for quite sometime now, I've been busy since my husband left for his Korea tour. My kiddos sure keep me on my toes and we are enjoying our stay back home here in Grand Rapids!
I have been back and fourth on the direction I want to go with my photography since I started my business almost 2 years ago. After a conversation with a business consultant, and creating a plan for myself, I have decided what I want to do with my work.
I will continue to do photography but I am focusing on Artistic photography, Travel photography, and Photojournalism. You will continue to see my work here on my page and my work will always be available for purchase through my Facebook page, my website (http://www.melissafilkinsphotography.com/, and through Society6 (http://society6.com/MelissaFilkins?promo=9ea850).
I am no longer offering photo sessions, except for the ones that involve free deployment homecomings, the foundations I give back through, and working with vendors.
I will start updating my blog more frequently as I create more work, for now, enjoy my most recent photos below.
I thank you all for your support and I hope you stick with me through my journey as a photographer!